Why You Need a Recruitment Training Schedule for Your Business

Training is a vital part of any recruitment business and a well-thought-out recruitment training schedule will help this process run smoothly.

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Training new recruits is a vital part of any business, including within the recruitment sector itself. A well-thought-out recruitment training schedule will help this process run smoothly and is beneficial for both parties in terms of creating a team that is both effective and productive.

Let's explore why that is and share some tips on how to create one that works for you.

It ensures everyone knows what to expect

First things first - By breaking down their training into a laid-out timetable, new recruits can see where they should be at any one time alongside what they’ll be doing and with whom. Your new team members will feel less overwhelmed, and it eliminates any confusion about each day of their training period. 

By providing new employees with a recruitment training schedule, you immediately boost their confidence. It shows them that you care about them fitting into your team, and won't be throwing them in at the deep end with no idea of what’s to come. After all, 70% of employees would consider leaving their current job to work for a company known for investing in training and development.

This also helps recruitment consultants get into the mindset of a candidate in some ways. Given that their responsibility will be to find jobs for candidates, showing them the best way to ease into a new role is a great way of helping them help others in the long run!

Tip: Colour code the recruitment training schedule so it is split into different categories such as training, meetings, self-guided work and so on. This is just another way of making your new employee(s) feel at ease during their early days in the job.

A recruitment training schedule allows you to build great training habits

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When creating your recruitment training schedule, it’s not all about your employees - it is also incredibly beneficial for you as a manager in the long run. Implementing a solid schedule is a fantastic way to get into positive habits when it comes to training all future recruits; it will become second nature, and you will find it gets easier and easier to train anyone who comes to work for you. This, in turn, means that your company will always run smoothly. 

We recently released a report called The Hiring Hustle: Recruitment Productivity Roundup 2023, and one thing we touched upon is how regular training is really important for productivity and achieving consistent results across different recruitment areas.

For example, by training your consultants to be in the habit of knowing exactly which CVs to send to which employers, you cut down on the number of actions taken to make a placement. This allows you to make more placements overall because you won’t be wasting time trying to put square pegs in round holes. By implementing this mindset during the settling-in period for a new employee, your team will be ready to dive back into training when need be.

Tip: You can read more about stats like ‘CVs sent per placement’ in our report - we’ve analysed two years’ worth of industry data to provide insights and advice to recruitment companies.

A schedule allows you to manage your time better

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Training a new employee on top of your (and your existing team's_ busy schedule can be tough and time-consuming. A solid recruitment training schedule will help you set aside time in advance for checking in with new team members, setting up their company profiles and log-ins, and completing any training they need to undergo.

Tip: Ask  existing employee - especially those within the same team or line as your new recruits, what they would add into a recruitment training schedule. Find out what would have been beneficial to them when they joined the company, as well as any information and training you can give to new hires which will be helpful to your current team.

You won’t miss anything out 

Free Yellow Jigsaw Puzzle Piece Stock PhotoBy creating a clear and concise recruitment training schedule,  you have an immediate way of seeing everything you need to do to train your new employee. This overview allows you to ensure you have included all of the necessary training sessions, meetings, introductions, and tasks. 

This stops you from running into issues a month or so down the line when it’s time for your newest hire to use a particular piece of technology, engage with a certain sales technique, or work with some software they haven’t used yet during their time with your company.

Tip: Set aside time during your training schedule to lay out and discuss anything to do with your business that is not necessarily part of the role itself. This might include company stances on certain topics or issues, alongside your brand ethics, policies, employee wellbeing, and the type of culture you are aiming to foster. Within the recruitment industry, we see natural peaks and troughs throughout the year in terms of productivity - it’s worth discussing this with your new team members, and giving them an idea of how and why it happens as well as how you use the so-called down time in months like December when everything is a lot slower.

A checklist for new starters

If you’re not sure what you need to help your new starter get ready to rock and roll, don’t worry - we’ve got you covered. Here’s our checklist for new employees, so you’ve got it to hand when someone joins your team.

  • ​​Desk in-office, or desk booking for hybrid workers
  • Laptop
  • Headset
  • CRM logins
  • Email logins
  • OneUp logins
  • Job multiposter logins (e.g Broadbean or Logicmelon)
  • New starter docs scanned for HR
  • LinkedIn Recruiter license assigned

A recruitment training schedule ensures that you and any new hires can align expectations, stay organised, and get everything done within a set time. If you’re looking for an example of a well-thought-out recruitment training schedule, you can download our version to get the ball rolling.

And don’t forget to have a read of our report, The Hiring Hustle: Recruitment Productivity Roundup 2023, for a deeper dive into the current state of productivity across the sector.

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OneUp Sales is a sales motivation & management platform that helps teams to report on, gamify, and visualise their performance data. We work with over 300 sales teams around the world to motivate productivity, drive CRM adoption, and create a culture of success.
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