Use Cases for Recruitment

Identify and scale with your top clients

Understand how you’re performing for each client, how much work you’re putting in, and where there’s opportunities to expand your relationships.

Trusted by leading recruitment teams
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  • Investigo Logo (Blue)


Why it matters

How much does it cost you to spend time with the wrong clients?

Spending time with bad clients takes attention away from your good clients — it’s a double whammy.

You’re investing valuable (and limited) resources in areas you won’t see a good return from, which means you’re not spending time in areas you will.

It’s a challenge that many agencies find themselves facing, whether they like it or not.

Identify and focus on your most valuable clients

Learn the real value of each of your clients and understand who you should be prioritising.

  • See which clients have won you the most revenue
  • View who's sent you the most jobs
  • Discover your average fee per client in seconds, not hours

Pinpoint your least valuable clients

Discover who your least valuable clients are, so you can develop a plan to increase the value of these relationships — or stop wasting time on them.

  • See which clients have won you the least revenue
  • View who's jobs added to jobs filled ratio is lowest
  • Discover who you're spending the most time on for the least return

Calculate ROI and time spent per client

Go beyond one dimensional reporting to understand how much work you actually put in to deliver those fees for each client.

  • Understand interviews to placements, jobs added to jobs filled, and other important ratios
  • See how many of the jobs you win actually end up being filled
  • View time-to-fill per client

Spot and target opportunity gaps

Discover which clients present opportunities for growth and focus your time on those you should be winning more business from.

  • Pinpoint clients with efficient pipeline ratios
  • Identify clients you haven't spoken to in a while
  • Compare time periods to see clients with the biggest drops in revenue or any other metric

Integrate directly with the tools you already use

OneUp is designed to enhance the reporting and analytics capabilities of your current tech stack.
