Boosting Productivity with OneUp

OneUp Sales helps thousands of teams boost sales productivity every day. Check out just some of the ways we help. Celebrating Success as a Team Deal Trigge

Building and managing a high performance team in the sales or recruitment industry is no small feat. It requires hard work, consistency and focus, but above all else, a successful agency is underpinned by three key cornerstones: productivity, a culture of recognition and retention, and effective management.

The OneUp Sales platform helps thousands of sales and recruitment agencies boost productivity every day. We help your team's talent shine by bringing focus, motivation and accountability to the forefront of daily operations - check out just a few of the ways we do so below:

Celebrating Success as a Team

Deal Triggers

Every recruiter and salesperson loves being recognised and revered for their performance. Not only does public recognition boost their own motivation, but it also fires up the wider team, creating friendly competition and driving everyone forwards. 

OneUp’s triggers system lets you catch a variety of events – booking a meeting, logging 5 deals in a month, or hitting £500k in lifetime revenue – which can be turned into lively celebrations on your TVs. Individuals can select custom deal songs to make sure everyone know it’s their turn in the spotlight.


Whiteboards are dull and dead. They get boring because they never change. OneUp TV has over a dozen slide types for you to choose from to keep your stats fresh and engaging, and provides a digital solution for tracking and encouraging good performance, that is fit for the modern age. 

From leaderboards showing target achievement through to YouTube videos and cross-team performance totals, there’s a slide type for every scenario, all updated in real-time to keep things dynamic, and sustain your team's drive and buzz. 

Clear Goals & Progress


The average salesperson uses 6 systems to carry out their role every day – that’s a lot of places for them to switch between to figure out how well they're doing, and a lot of places for managers to pull reports from!

OneUp integrates with dozens of systems to ensure your data is collated into one central hub. From CRMs to VOIP systems to timesheet software, we’ve got you covered.

With centralised live analytics and reporting, your recruiters can easily access everything they need and visualise exactly where their performance is at, giving them either instant gratification if they're on target, or the ability to instantly correct their course if they're not. 

For managers, this easy access also translates to more time and greater insight into how they can lead and impact their team. 

Matrix: Empowering Management

The average manager spends over an hour every day configuring and analysing reports. OneUp’s view management system enables you to configure reports with rolling time periods which can then be saved for later viewing.

Reporting takes seconds rather than hours so you can spend more of your time doing the things that matter. Track consultant and team progress, identify and get ahead of problems, and lead guided one-on-one support and development sessions to push your consultants towards their maximum potential. 


Whether you want to motivate individual recruiters or salespeople, or your entire team as a whole, Gamify has a competition type for any occasion.

Points-based leagues are great for driving internal competition, collaborative missions work best for uniting individuals, and challenges are king at creating fiery head-to-head contests where your recruiters and salespeople set the stakes.

Gamification works. It creates a high energy culture where your consultants can thrive, where motivation is nurtured, and everyone is racing neck and neck to deliver the solid results that you are looking for.

Ready to learn more?

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OneUp Sales - building high performance sales teams by increasing productivity, retaining talent, and empowering management across your organisation.
Callum Saunders

“I like that can see everything all in one place. From my own targets, to activity from colleagues, to Team Leagues, everything is simple and easy to use.”

Leona McPhail
Head Resourcing

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