How to Build a Strong Candidate Pipeline

A robust candidate pipeline enables recruiters to deliver quality hires at speed. Here are our 6 key indicators of candidate pipeline health.

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In the hugely competitive talent acquisition landscape of 2024, the significance of a robust candidate pipeline cannot be overstated.

An efficient candidate pipeline plays a massive role in delivering high-quality services to clients quickly and ensuring impressed clients return to your agency time and time again.

Therefore, the strength of your candidate pipeline is crucial to the overall success of your recruitment agency.

In this guide, we'll cover the signs of a healthy candidate pipeline, the pitfalls to avoid, and how to overcome common recruitment challenges in candidate pipeline development.

What is a candidate pipeline?

A candidate pipeline is a group of qualified potential candidates who could fit future roles that come to your recruitment agency.

Potential candidates within a pipeline are pre-screened, and their contact details are on file, so when a relevant position comes up, it's as simple as reaching out to them.

Some of the potential candidates within your pipeline will be active job seekers, while others may not be looking for new opportunities at the moment.

Cultivating and nurturing a healthy candidate pipeline is a proactive and strategic approach to recruitment.

It gives you access to a steady flow of qualified candidates for a wide variety of roles, speeding up the recruitment process and boosting quality of hire.

Candidate Pipeline vs Recruitment Pipeline vs Recruitment Funnel vs Talent Pool vs CV Database

It's important to note that the candidate pipeline differs from the recruitment pipeline, recruitment funnel, talent pool, and CV database. 

These are all commonly used terms in recruitment, and each has a specific role within a recruitment strategy. 

Here is how they differ:

  • A candidate pipeline is a group of pre-vetted and qualified potential candidates that recruiters can contact when a suitable role arises. 
  • A recruitment pipeline is the way recruiters organise and visualise their hiring process. It refers to the stages each candidate travels through during the hiring process. It can vary, but typically contains at least five stages: jobs added, CVs sent, first interviews, placements filled, and revenue. 
  • A recruitment funnel is similar to a recruitment pipeline, but it visualises the candidate journey as an upside-down pyramid. This illustrates that the number of candidates in the running narrows as the process moves forward. It has five stages: awareness, interest, application, selection and hiring. 
  • A talent pool is much broader than a candidate pipeline. It encompasses every individual in contact with your recruitment agency, whether they contacted your recruiters or were actively sourced. While some of the professionals within your talent pool may have been pre-screened, most will not have undergone this process.
  • A CV database is a central CV repository from which recruiters can search for suitable candidates for a new role. While your recruitment agency will likely have its own CV database, built up from the resumes of past and present job seekers who have interacted with your agency, there are also external CV databases that recruitment companies can tap into.

The Tangible Business Benefits of Building a Candidate Pipeline

A robust candidate pipeline will boost the performance of any recruitment agency. 

First and foremost, with a candidate pipeline, half of the recruiter's hiring to-do list is already complete by the time the job comes to market. 

With candidates already sourced and vetted, a strong candidate pipeline vastly speeds up the recruitment process, getting professionals into post faster and delighting clients as a result.

Enhancing the quality of hire is another tangible benefit of developing a strong candidate pipeline.

Without vetted candidates ready to go, recruiters often scramble around to quickly qualify the best fit for the role they can find in a limited time period. 

But with plenty of qualified candidates ready to go, your candidate pipeline gives you a broad choice of professionals to reach out to, allowing you to truly select the best person for the job. 

Higher quality hires, of course, lead to improved retention rates within the client's business. 

And when you swiftly deliver high-quality placements who stick with the business for the long-term, those clients are much more likely to return to your agency with future hiring needs. 

This is how a robust candidate pipeline ultimately supports agency business growth and stability.

To benchmark your performance against other agencies, read OneUp's hiring trends 2024 report here.

6 Signs of a Healthy Candidate Pipeline

You've committed to building a pipeline of candidates — but how can you tell whether it is strong enough to deliver the benefits outlined above? 

Here are six signs of a healthy candidate pipeline. 

1. Broad and Diverse Sourcing Channels 

How are your recruiters sourcing their candidates?

Are they creative in their sourcing methods, generating a diverse range of candidates offering a broad spectrum of skills and experience?

Or are they leaning on the same old job boards time and time again?

Evidence of utilising a comprehensive combination of sourcing channels indicates a deep and varied candidate pool and a healthy candidate pipeline. 

From partnerships with colleges and social media recruiting to networking at industry events and AI-driven platforms, encourage your recruiters to think outside the box to find top talent.

2. Consistent Flow of Quality CVs

Does your candidate pipeline consistently receive CVs that match the skill sets needed for open and anticipated roles at your recruitment agency? 

Your recruiters may be bringing on board highly skilled and experienced professionals, but if their CVs don't match the skill sets demanded by agency clients, the candidate pipeline is weak. 

A healthy candidate pipeline is responsive to agency needs, so ensure these are clearly defined and communicated to recruiters. 

3. Robust Referral Programme Success Rates

How is your employee referral programme performing?

This is another major indicator of the health of your candidate pipeline. 

Track data surrounding your employee referral programme, not just in terms of how many placements it leads to but also regarding retention levels and satisfaction rates. 

If the talent placed through such programmes are quickly moving on, are often unhappy in their roles, or are receiving negative feedback from hiring managers, you need to reconsider how you do employee referrals. 

It may be worth investing in new software designed to boost employee referral programmes or rethinking the incentives offered. 

4. Effective Use of Technology for Sourcing

Are you effectively harnessing the power of the latest technology in your sourcing practices? 

With the development of AI snowballing, agencies that fail to invest in this exciting, time-saving tech risk being left behind. 

For a healthy candidate pipeline powered by the latest tech, adopt AI and an advanced sourcing platform that integrates with your applicant tracking systems and recruitment management systems

This should result in a seamless sourcing and tracking experience that powers up your candidate pipeline while saving your recruiters time.

5. Diversity in the Talent Pool

Building diverse teams in the workplace has myriad benefits, from smarter decision-making and enhanced creativity to increased productivity and profits.

Every business must now work towards boosting diversity in their organisation, and hiring managers are seeking recruiters to help them build diverse, innovative teams.

Commit to sourcing candidates from a wide variety of backgrounds who will bring a broad spectrum of experiences to the table. 

Then, use metrics to track the diversity of your candidate pipeline and take action to improve it continuously.

6. Active Engagement with Passive Candidates

Anyone who has worked in recruitment knows that engaging passive candidates — while an important component of your talent pipeline strategy — often falls to the bottom of the priority list. 

However, the level of active engagement with passive candidates is a clear sign of pipeline health.

The candidates within your pipeline must be continuously engaged with, whether through emails, calls, or LinkedIn messages, to truly stay within the pipeline. 

If you last contacted a passive candidate two years ago, you may well have lost them from the pipeline. In that time, they may have moved into a new role, undergone a significant career change, or simply forgotten about your agency. 

This is why it's essential to deploy strategies and workflows to ensure your recruiters regularly engage with passive candidates in the pipeline.

Blocking out time to email or call passive candidates and triggering alerts when potential candidates haven't been communicated within a significant amount of time ensures a ready-to-engage talent pool for future roles.

5 Factors That Can Harm the Candidate Pipeline

When developing a healthy candidate pipeline, agencies commonly encounter several pitfalls.

Here are five of the most frequent obstacles. 

  1. Inefficient data organisation hampers data accessibility and analysis and, therefore, negatively impacts critical insights and analysis. This means vital decisions are often based on gut instinct or even inaccurate data insights and can actually harm the business.
  2. Poor organisation of candidate information is a significant obstacle to recruiter accessibility. It makes it much harder to identify the best fit for the role, to reach out to potential candidates, and to analyse candidate data.
  3. The lack of a clear communication strategy results in a lack of regular and meaningful engagement with potential candidates. These potential candidates then become disengaged and slip out of your pipeline.
  4. Neglecting recruitment agency branding is a significant pitfall when funnelling top talent into your candidate pipeline. An attractive agency brand is crucial to appeal to the best candidates for your clients and keep them engaged.
  5. Over-reliance on passive tactics will severely weaken your candidate pipeline. Failing to actively source and engage with potential candidates in the pipeline continuously means you won't see that steady stream of incoming high-quality CVs you're aiming for.
  6. Ignoring Candidate Experience is a huge mistake for any recruitment agency, and it will hit your candidate pipeline hard. Providing a poor experience during any recruitment phase will deter talent from your agency and leave them to seek out competitors.

Top 6 Recommendations from the OneUp Team to Build and Maintain a Healthy Candidate Pipeline

So, what actions can you take to ensure your agency's candidate pipeline is as healthy and robust as possible?

Here are our six recommendations.

1. Proactive Sourcing and Engagement

Implement proactive sourcing and engagement strategies for your recruiters, build these tasks into daily workflows, and ensure they follow up. 

These tactics should see your recruiters continually identify and interact with potential candidates, funnelling them into the candidate pipeline before roles become available. 

Set recruiters targets surrounding proactive sourcing and engagement, track their progress, and offer incentives for high performance. 

This will ensure a rich and diverse pipeline.

2. Strengthen Recruitment Agency Branding

Develop and promote a strong, authentic agency brand tailored to your target audience.

This will help fill your candidate pipeline with inbound job seekers while ensuring your recruiters have more success with the professionals they're actively contacting.

Your brand should be based on your agency's vision, values, and mission statement and must be consistent across all internal and external channels, from your website and social media channels to team meetings and client pitches.

Create this brand with the ideal candidate profile forefront of mind.

How will you ensure your agency brand resonates with your ideal candidates, and how will you raise brand awareness among this audience?

And how will you position your agency as a top choice for potential candidates through this branding?

3. Utilise Advanced Recruitment Tools

Today's recruitment agencies should capitalise on the many advantages cutting-edge tech offers. 

Leveraging recruitment performance software like OneUp helps streamline data management, enhance communication, and gain actionable insights from real-time data analytics

With OneUp, you can build custom recruitment dashboards to monitor a wide selection of key metrics and track recruiters' progress towards their goals in real-time.


This easy access to real-time data empowers recruitment leaders to make their processes more efficient and effective.

Meanwhile, its gamification tools facilitate healthy competition and motivate recruiters to perform at the highest possible level.

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Finally, you can automate your recruitment report so it lands directly in your inbox regularly and is always front of mind.

4. Regular Communication and Personalised Engagement

Establish clear strategies for keeping in touch with the candidates in your pipeline, and build these into recruiters' daily workflows. 

Recruiters should nurture qualified potential candidates with relevant updates, personalised to each individual's aspirations, that will maintain their interest in your agency. 

This could mean emails and calls to update potential candidates on the latest job listings, informative content that educates them about the latest industry news, or even updates about exciting new developments within the agency. 

5. Feedback and Continuous Improvement

In addition to gathering quantitative data, recruiters should regularly seek feedback from candidates and clients.

Analyse this feedback to spot positive trends or significant issues within your recruitment process and take quick action to refine your candidate pipeline strategy accordingly.

Actively asking for feedback is also a way to ensure your candidates and clients feel valued and recognise the time and effort they invest in your agency. 

6. Analyse Sourcing Effectiveness

As your sourcing efforts play a huge role in the health of your candidate pipeline, it's vital to dive into the metrics that give you insights into this part of the recruitment process. 

First, set up a custom dashboard to track relevant sourcing metrics.


These could include:

  • Sourcing channel effectiveness (quantity)
  • Sourcing channel effectiveness (quality)
  • Time to hire 
  • First interviews
  • Quality of hire
  • Selection ratio
  • Retention rate
  • Candidate job satisfaction
  • Hiring manager satisfaction 

Now, regularly review these metrics over different time periods and analyse the results to understand what is and isn't working within your sourcing strategy. 

You then have the valuable insights you need to optimise your sourcing strategy for future success.

Final thoughts

A healthy candidate pipeline significantly affects the quality of candidates you deliver to clients and the speed at which you hit their briefs. 

Remember — if your candidate pipeline is healthy it will encompass:

  • Broad and diverse sourcing channels
  • A consistent flow of quality CVs
  • Robust referral programme success rates
  • The effective use of technology for sourcing
  • Diversity within the talent pool
  • Active engagement with passive candidates

To ensure it stays healthy, it's essential to proactively avert common pitfalls with proactive sourcing and engagement, strong agency branding, regular, personalised candidate communication, frequent feedback requests, and advanced recruitment tools.

If you're looking to enhance your candidate pipeline through efficient data management, gamification, and advanced analytics, recruitment performance software OneUp will be an excellent fit for your agency. 

Book your OneUp demo here today to find out more.


What does pipeline mean in staffing?

In recruitment, the term 'pipeline' has several different applications. 

Looking for a candidate pipeline definition?

A candidate pipeline is a pool of potential candidates who have been pre-vetted and qualified. 

Recruiters can then contact candidates within the pipeline when a suitable job arises, ensuring they deliver high-quality placements quickly to clients. 

Meanwhile, a recruitment pipeline is the technique recruiters use to organise and visualise the hiring process. 

The recruitment pipeline comprises five stages candidates pass through on their way to hiring: jobs added, CVs sent, first interviews, placements filled, and revenue.

How to Build a Candidate Pipeline

So, how to pipeline candidates?

Recruiters can fill up their candidate pipeline by defining ideal candidate profiles, proactively sourcing from a broad selection of channels, and nurturing passive candidates. 

Strong agency branding that is attractive to the ideal candidate is also important to bring in top talent. 

Building a candidate pipeline is an ongoing process that should be built into a recruiter's day-to-day workflow. 

How Do You Maintain a Candidate Pipeline?

Candidate pipeline management is just as important as filling it with fresh talent.

This is all about nurturing the active and passive talent within that pipeline. 

To win at talent pipeline management, build clear strategies for keeping in touch with potential job candidates into your daily workflow. 

It's important to ensure that this contact is both personalised and informative to the candidate in question, whether this is updates on the latest jobs or informative content about their sector.

It's also important to continuously improve the candidate experience by asking candidates for feedback regularly and making adjustments to your talent pipelines as required.

Image of Derry Holt
Derry Holt
I'm Derry, the CEO & co-founder of OneUp Sales (by day) and a professional video games commentator (by night). I have a background in software development, but if the last 7 years have shown me anything, it's that my passion truly lies in creating, building, and growing software companies.
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